Perspectives in Cardiovascular Biology 2025
The GfMVB meeting on Perspectives in Cardiovascular Biology in cooperation with the DFG-funded collaborative research centre SFB1531 Damage control by the stroma vascular compartment, will be held in Frankfurt am Main on April 3rd to 5th, 2025.
We have put together an exciting program covering most up to date asepcts of cardiovascular research e.g., responses to damage, vascular dysfunction, repair & remodelling, metabolism and angiogenesis
Membership gfmvb
Our membership is drawn largely from the medical sciences including physiology, pathology, pharmacology, biophysics, developmental biology, genetics, computational & systems biology, cardiology and internal medicine, as well as veterinary sciences.
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Program joint meeting
Emerging Scientist Award (sponsored by Ibidi)
The GfMVB Emerging Scientist Award is kindly sponsored by Ibidi and awarded for excellent publications in the field of experimental and clinical research in microcirculation and vascular biology published in the year preceding the annual GfMVB conference. The typical applicant for the HR award is a postdoc researcher on her/his/their way to scientific independence. The top-three applicants will be invited to give a presentation at the annual meeting of the GfMVB. At the meeting, an expert jury-panel will select the winner based on the quality of the oral presentation. Besides eternal fame, the prizes are 2000 euro for the winner, and 500 euro for the runners up.

Aletta Jacobs Awards
The Aletta Jacobs award is dedicated to promote female scientists in the field of vascular biology at the start of their career. It was first introduced at the joint Dutch German microcirculation meeting in 2018 in Amsterdam, and continued to promote cross-border vascular research involving junior scientists. Eligible are female PhD students, and female Postdocs within on year upon their thesis defense.
LEARN MOREExecutive Committee:
The German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology board 2024 – 2025
A few things we’re great at :

Upcoming meeting Microcirculation Society Meeting 2020

Young investigator award / best oral communication award 2019

Herman Rein ward 2019 for Mauro Siragusa from Frankfurt